These are the pictures from the South Australian Quilt show. We had a themed display of "Fairies in the Garden". The two red head dolls are mine. There are some fantastic dolls that have so much work in them. Take a close look....
So, here is a tiny santa that I have made. I have just spent 3 days working on the doll club newsletter and wanted to make a Santa pin doll for the Xmas meeting.
I am still trying to work out how to do a link to the pattern. Will get there soon.
Next week Susie McMahonSusie McMahon will be coming to Adelaide and I will be doing her workshop. I was a keen supporter to have her come here, but when I saw the doll she was teaching I was disappointed - I have my own style and I didn't want to make a doll that would look like someone elses - like the Anke Daanen doll. But gradually, after some thinking I know I will learn heaps and I am sure she is a great teacher. So I will do the doll and see how it turns out. In life you need to try new things or life would be very boring.