No, these are not my new year creations. These are last years disasters. It is a sad story. Just before Christmas, I wanted to make a couple of little mask face dolls. I bought some buckrum, moulded it onto the doll heads I had, and waited patiently for it all to dry.
It was all going so well, but.................. when I decided to add some strength, I just decoupaged some paper to the inside of the mask. I am sure I did that with the little Red Haired Girl .
Well............. the glued paper did not just stiffen the mask, it added a bulky, lumpy, bumpy change to the smooth surface of the mask. One mask was so badly affected I prised the decoupage off and ended up with a shapeless stretched out piece of buckram. Not happy.
And I had started on the bodies and all....................... So then Christmas came and all that socialising, and family and friends, and then New Year and all that socialising and family and friends. But, I know I have to try again to make these dollies. So in the next few days, I will need to go into my studio and pull out all those bits I had started on, and try, try again...........
Buckram is tricky to work with. Why not make a paperclay mask and cover it with your fabric? You can make a simple mold with 'Amazing Mold Putty'. Google it, if you can't find it, let me know.
I know you will turn them into something amazing. And if it's any consolation - I always find it really interesting and helpful when ever you show/tell about any of your techniques!
Thank you for sharing your process. I would love to be able to make lovely dolls like u do one day.
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