
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Well I tried

I have decided (with a heavy heart) that I am going to take a long break from doll making and , so too my blog.  This has not been an easy decision.  But circumstances have forced me to realise the truth, which is that I just will not have the time to make dolls to sell/ put into competitions/ create patterns or just for fun.  I am basically going to be working pretty much full time in our carpentry business.  I know that I cannot be 'thinking about dolls' when I need to concentrate on 'office admin'.  We are at a transition stage in the business and there is a lot of  planning and development that needs to take place from now on.  I don't mind using my brain, and as far a my creativity - well, I can knit, quilt or do some embroidery.  Dolls do take a lot of time to make.  You cannot make a doll in a day - well not the sort of dolls I make.  I find it hard enough now to get on a roll and I hate the thought having UFO's.  I so wanted to finish this one but, by the time I think about the type of beading and costuming and colour and fabric choices, it will be forever in the making.  So I am stepping away from dolls and blog land for a while.  Knowing me, that will be about a week before I get itchy to do something.  It just seems, with the work load I have at the moment, dolls will have to be last on the list. So I will leave the site open, but it may be a while before I add anything - I think!
Till the next time.................
Sandy  :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sandy,

I have been where you are right now many times. Take as long a break as you need too. Sometimes something new is trying to take birth in you when this happens. Be loving with yourself. A blog fan......